-´'`-´'`-´'`-´'`-´'`- Loom makers & weaving equipment available from European manufacturers and distributors -´'`-´'`-´'`-´'`-´'`-


a German manufacturer of looms of all sizes. Also makes wooden construction toys, solitaire games and house signs (nought to do with weaving, I like making games and look at those made by others ...). Holzkircher

French distributor of Ashford and Glimakra and looms. A list of accessories for weaving, spinning and lacemaking. But no price list at time of writing this site. I'll update when I have found the price list.artifilium

The famous swedish Glimakra loom. If you don't speak Swede the text is also in English. Glimakra

Canadian manufacturer, some of their looms can still be bought in France. Site in English and FrenchLeclerc

The Finnish loom makers, site in English, German, Russian, Swedish, Finnish. No prices. Toika

Get weaving and spinning equipment, and yarns, in London... handweaver's studio London

German manufacturer of looms, also has extensive list of loom accessories and parts, also yarns. Sometimes offers 'pre-owned' looms. Kuenzl

Prompt friendly service, they will send smaller things abroad (I got my rigid heddles from them) Fibrecraft

For a good range of weaving and spinning equipment, and yarns, in Germany. Traub p> Weaving looms and equipment made in Switzerland Arm looms

some interesting information

......... and programs ...........

some programs, demo or otherwise, to help you plot your weaves, and there is a weaving course on a CD you can buy. Nice idea these demos, you soon get used to the time savings and wish you had the real program to save even more time, and then you realise that you need to win a rich family or friend to buy the program of your dreams with the PC, and then the loom... anyway, for the fun of it:

The famous (?!) Guntram offers his famous (?!) tablet weaving thingy. Really, the program is called that! A bit complicated, you need to read and maybe even copy his instructions. But the graphics show how a set-up will look in reality which avoids disappointments. Guntram's tablet program

"weave for Windows" WinWeave

"fibreworks pcw" fibreworks

learn to weave with the help of your computer and this CD you can buy, of an introductory course. CD learn to weave

There is a collection of programs on Su Butler's site fiberarts programs

'Loomybin' has an online design program for hand looms, another one for tablet weaving. The tabletweave program can be downloaded. Good site. Loomybin's programs

Download a trial version for PC or Mac, of "Weavedraft", a pattern design program for small to medium looms. If you like it, the program is shareware but not at all expensive (however, it will be mailed from Australia so be patient). And the creator is very helpful. weavedraft

For another on-line visualisation program, in German, see the link in the general links collection.

To the weaver's shed

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