-|-|-|- Images of Weaving in PAINTINGS, DRAWINGS, SCULPTURE -|-|-|-





IMAGES of Weaving

Images showing works of art depicting weavers, weaving etc. were not easy to find. I am not familiar with what exists, those I found easily are those everybody finds. But in every country there must be appreciation of the weavers' craft. I found few 'new' ones so if you have any images of any other art work that shows weaving or woven works of art, sculptures, techniques, cloth and fabrics, or objects or looms that are unusual, symbols to do with this craft, anything 'visual' at all - - your hints will be appreciated! Please share your knowledge by writing me an e-mail, and I'll put the images in this list if at all possible. Thank you.

I hope you enjoy seeing the ones I found so far.         Click on any image to see an enlargement

Japanese wood cut of old
crafts from the website:
wwwopac.tulips.tsukuba.ac.jp/ limedio/dlam/B1042795/ image/page/49.jpeg
Atsutoushi, the textile made from tree bark (opiw, of the elm family). Here the unique Ainu loom. www.town.shiraoi.hokkaido.jp/ english/midokoro/ainu02.htm
I can't say anything about this image other than I have seen it on 2 or 3 different sites, a few years ago. But lost all info in a 'crash' and can't find it anywhere in the WWW website ??? please let me know where I can find it. If YOU hold the copyright, please contact me as I have been unable to find and consult you !!!
Lady of Shalott (1888) by John William Waterhouse 1849-1917 painting in the collection of the Leeds City art gallery, website where I found it ?????
handloom weavers by A.W.Bayes (1832-1909) website where I found it originally???
I did find the image on a site unknown before:http://homepages.tesco.net/~johnfred/Bayes4.html do have a look, it is all about the life of this well-known painter! And follow the link to a fascinating site about Todmorden
stained glass window, town of Esslingen, Germany www.bawue.de/esslingen
unusual-looking loom, for silk weaving www.seidefashion.de
statue to the linnen weavers of Bielefeld, Germany  
statue to the weavers of Euskirchen, Germany  
Return to the weaver's shed?

Chose other "art" about weavers?