:´`::´`: Weavers & Weaving in the Arts around the world :´`::´`:





An Artist's look at Weavers and Weaving

Weaving is so much part of our lives, our culture. It can be found in the work of artists.

I have found images, songs, poems, stories and fables of weavers and weaving (but I have included a few about spinning where this seemed to make sense). I even have some fonts which I imagine fit this theme of textiles and yarns.
For each of these types of work I have made a page. When I find more works I will add them to my site, and if you know of any that might be included please let me know!
Some of these works might be difficult for youngsters to understand, others are easy.
Unless stated I do not hold the copyright for any of the text items including the fonts. (please read the additional information on copyright at the end of this and on the disclaimers page)

POEMS page:
L'araigné et le métier à tisser
Spider in the room
Old mother Hubbard
Spider woman's children
Lady of Shallot

The emperor's new suit
The flax
An old man and a crane
Till Eulenspiegel beim Tuchmacher
Comment l'araigné apprit à tisser
The good housewife and her night helpers
The silkworm and the spider
How the weaver became rich
Die faule Spinnerin

SONGS page:
Der Leineweber
Wir weben
Hommes de trames, hommes de chaînes
Je voudrais bien m'y marier
Chanson de toile
Die Flachsarbeit
The weave room blues
Vava Inouva
Les canuts
Die Leineweber haben
Ei wie so töricht
The Weavers' song
Frühmorgens wenn der Tag bricht an
Four-loom weaver

Works of Art created by using WEAVING Woven ART:
If you wondered if there are artists who use weaving as the technique to create art works, or who weave 'artistic' items to surprise and astonish, then you will find some of them on this page!


 visual arts: paintings, drawings, sculptures etc IMAGES page:
I have a few images here, you'll have to see for yourself. I have tried to find some which are a little less known. If you know of others that show weavers and weaving, please let me know.

Fonts and gifs
This is the "surprises" page where you will find fonts and gifs and maybe other things, too. Mostly connected with weaving and fabric, and the weaver's shed and website. To get the the fonts you need to visit the website, I only give the image of what the font looks like. If you want to use them please download them onto your computer from the site I indicate.


Copyright information, please read.
Please go to the sites I indicate (link or URL), to see the 'original' and related items, and find information as to the copyright holder or the creator.
Many people have explicitly allowed me to include their work or part of it. Some asked to have this mentioned, others I mention because I enjoy(ed) and appreciate(d) very much the contacts with them. Some works come from sites where I did not notice copyright restrictions, or the webmaster/ copyright owner did not request recognition.
The 'sleek professional looking' gifs I have found on the web, on sites or pages where no copyright notices were given so that I thought they are public domain items.
If you are (or know) the copyright owner of any of the items I have used and don't give credit : this may be because I did not find out who ownes the copyright, I did not find a copyright notice with the image and thought it to be in the public domain, or I was not asked to indicate the copyright owner. I do not pass your work as my own and wish to give you credit ! Please let me know so that I can take the action you ask for (contact the owner to indicate removal of the item, add copyright notice, or give written recognition). Please accept my sincere apologies. See my disclaimers page.

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