---<~~= ---<~~== ---<~~=== Weaver's shed knowledge exchange in the forum ===~~>-- ==~~>-- =~~>--
I apologise for any inconvenience caused, but this page is no longer available; due to lack of members and messages being written, the forum has been taken out of my website for the time being
The following was the message to visitors wishing to enter the forum, I have not removed it as I shall require the page and message later this year for the new improved weaver's shed!
Welcome to the Weaver's forum !
You can ask questions, give answers, tell visitors about your weaving, weaver's sites you like.

Or tell us about good or unusual art, craft or ideas sites
which might be useful to a weaver and would-be weaver.

Anything really as long as it has to do with weaving and creativity.

This forum is open to
all ages, abilities and interests !! !! !! Advertising I have not allowed (email me) will be removed; advertising your own weaving site can be done by adding the URL on your member's profile page.


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