--~~--~~--The Weaver's Shed : index of "other things pages" --~~--~~--





Some things you can look at when you have ended your visit or lessons ...

Go to the Guest Map map, a 'cork board' map of the world where you can show the country from where you are visiting; you can even leave a comment
SORRY, the map has been closed and will re-open later this year on the new weaver's shed!

Sorry : the guestbook has been closed. On my new weaver's shed (ready at the end of the year) I shall have a new guestbook with different rules.

Go to the forum and share your knowledge or question, exchange information about weaving and sites for weavers or about disability or teaching or arts/crafts ...
SORRY, the forum is closed. It will reopen in a better form and with new rules on the new weaver's shed, at the end of this year

Send an e-mail to the weaver (or to her cat???)

See the visitor's counter, site stats

Go to the "e-cards" - - send a friend a weaver's card with a copy of a nice background or image!


Return to the weaver's shed and look at something different