.:.-<:<.:.>:>-:-<:>-:-<:<.:.>:>-:-<.:.>-:-<.:. Weaver's Guest map .:.>-:-<.:.>-:-<:<.:.>:>-:-<.:.>-:-<:<.:.>:>-.:.
this page has been cancelled but I maintain the original message I had on this page as I shall reinstate the guest map at a later date.
Where are you from???

This page will show everybody !
Show everybody : you can place a pin on this world map to show which country you are in while reading the weaver's site site! You can enlarge the map area to get closer to your location, and to have more space to see where to place your pin (useful if an area looks crowded)
You can even put a short message on the 'message pad' that comes with it, should you not want to write in the guest book.

See the map?

Free Guestmap from Bravenet Free Guestmap from Bravenet

Back to the guest book, e-cards, e-mail form etc