LINKS to see ~ Crafts, Fun and WEAVING !

Links to sites do with weaving

Vera is specialising in weaving attractive tapestries which have the colours and movement of Nature. As she lives in Australia you might find some special inspiration in the many pages of her site; her 'gallery' of photos of the area and of her many tapestries might just do that. She also shows how to make an inexpensive reed, and a loom which can be made by people who have the right woodworking tools and some patience. Scroll down the main page to find her link ti "my tapestry technique" where Vera gives very easy and well illustrated instructions on how to weave a tapestry.

This is a japanese site, you'll probably see letters and symbols coming up because your PC does not understand japanese writing. There may be a window opening which asks if you want to download a special program to see the Japanese writing. You must ask an adult before downloading anything from the internet, don't download the program unless you learn, know or read Japanese, or you have permission! I don't have that program because I don't read Japanese, I look at the pictures.
Takako shows some of the scarves and panels she's woven. See Takako's woven pictures here. Some of the patterns she weaves would be easy to copy for your weaving projects. One doesn't always remember that traditional crafts are all the same, anywhere in the world
Takako seems to be weaving again after her long illness; she also has updated her home page. But if you wish to contact her I cannot tell you where to find her email address as I do not know where to look for it. I am so glad to see that you feel better Takako !

On one of the pages I mentined that you can weave on most things, and that the item you weave will usually take the shape of the loom you used. I have found an excellent site about weaving triangles! The site owner shows in very great detail how to weave on a triangular loom. He has taken a lot of photos to show exactly how to do it. He even gives instructions on how to build a large tri-loom (if you want just a small one then you need to reduce the sizes but keep to the distances between nails!) With that many photos and very detailed written explanations (of the things that were fine and the things that need improving), I'm sure you, too, can get good results weaving a triangle.

A great site giving good (EXCELLENT) details on tablet weaving, and the weaver has a wonderful easy teaching approach (and a good sense of humour). German site but the pictures are 'international'. Look at all her pages, lots of pattern inspiration! (Brettchenweben = tablet weaving) Tablet weaving

Guido has an excellent medieval site, very professional goods and descriptions, crafts from woodwork to tablet weaving, and lots of interesting photos. Like everybody interested in authenticity for their reinactment of medieval life, Guido has done a lot of research before sharing his enthousiasm and knowledge. Well worth a visit! Guido's weaving

A modern design of a warp-weighted loom. You can see that my nature-loom idea is based on this loom. I just fixed the distance of warp threads to make it easier to weave with large items, and ignored the shed sticks. modern stoneage loom
... and here is a model of a loom used in Pompeii. Pompeii loom

You want to design something 'fun'? Then this is for you! You need the shockwave player on your PC, most have it if not it can be found on the internet. Now go weave something on-line. And if you have time, look at the homepage to chose more crafts to try. weave a suit

A site which surprised me because I did not know such items exist. This has good drawings to explain how to use a coconutleaf to weave a malay ketupat casing. You don't know what that is? Well, just go to the site and look! I suppose you could use some stiff ribbon or strips of thick paper to make such a casing to hold a small gift or as a decoration or to hold potpourri. weaving ketupat cases

Tablet weaving has been done for thousands of years. On this site you'll see very good designs and easy explanation of tablet weaving. If you are interested, there are many more pages about "primitive technology". ancient braid weaving

This is the site of a UK school who have worked with a museum to create information about the textile history. Click on "virtual loom" on the right and see ! A more serious design program, quite useful.
weaving game

Here you can "design" a tartan and see it "woven" online. You can even have 'your' tartan as the desktop background on your computer! invent a tartan

A site showing paper weaving. It' a lesson plan but you don't have to be a teacher to understand it. paperweaving project

Maybe you have heard about "corn dollies" or seen such decorative straw items. This site tells the story of them. corn dollies

You have seen straw hats before, this site shows you how and where they are made : woven without a loom. panama hats

A UK supplier of weaving, spinning and dyeing equipment. From take-apart travel looms to the really big ones. I put it here because they have inexpensive starter basics like weaving needles and combs, and different types of shuttles, in case you are allowed to buy ready-made things. Unless you are like me and like to make as many items yourself as is possible! starter basics

A French-Canadian site has a wealth of craft ideas! You'll need time to have a look around. One of the pages explains how to do tablet weaving. There are many pages of instructions and pictures, on textile and other crafts. artisanat pour tous

An on-line dictionary to translate words into English,German,French,Spanish,Italian,Dutch and more languages. every-day dictionary

some nice - and - fun LINKS to visit

On this site you will find quilts, not weaving, but the quilter is also a weaver ( see the Gammon pattern-draft program). Get inspiration from the patterns of these thought-quilts to make into patterns for your weaving.

A lot to see here if you are looking for knitting, sewing, crochet, weaving and other fabric-and-yarn based activities, also recipes for useful craft accessories. Well illustrated by the lady herself. yarn and other crafts

This is a link to a general kids' crafts site. Nice easy things, not expensive to make. nice crafts

If you want to learn using a bead loom, then this site is very good. Written in English by a Dutch girl. bead-weaving

A craft idea: sweets distributor. There is some hands-on weaving in this project!!! Archimedes bottle

here are a few of my GENERAL INTEREST links which I visit occasionally

Online translation of words, expressions etc for kids. Also on the site an anagram maker, conjugations of verbs, kids dictionary, library of stories (some are narrated!); you can read over 35000 folk stories in over 100 languages. "logos" wordtheque

Look at lots of information about, or to learn, things others might not find. Information about the arts, maths, language and sciences, health and disabilities, human rights, studying, important people, who invented what, ideas for educators and teachers, politics, environment on safe links for kids, parents, teachers

A page where you can start searches to do with learning; there is even a specialist search for maps, biographies, and access to an encyclopaedia. search tools for students

See what a dictionary says about the word "craft" ! This one is also a thesaurus, and it often translates the chosen word into french, german, italian and spanish. dictionary-thesaurus + translations

Convert yards to meters and ounces to grams, or back, using this online converter. measurement converter

I like nursery rhymes and songs for kids. It is interesting to see what children in different countries learn about and grow up with. Children everywhere have the same kind of subjects they sing about (comptines) or read about (histoires). On this site you find rhymes about animals, weather, people, water, festive times, counting and spelling. A great site in French, makes learning French fun. Some rhymes have notes, illustrations or music to listen to. French childrens songs

You like museums but don't know where they are or what can be seen inside? Here is an incredible list of museums, chose the country you are interested in, and look around. You will find a list of UK museums that have an internet address.There are lots of museums listed ! Museums to see

If you are learning German then this is a nice site! The index page from the kids' site 'Blindekuh' with screen shots of many more nice sites. There is a section for teenagers. And this is a list of kids' search engins in German. Milkmoon has a lot of topics to look at, too! milkmoon search Some you can enjoy even if you don't read German.

We all know that "silver wedding anniversary" means someone has been married for 25 years. But many other anniversaries have a special symbol or objet. On this site you can read them all, but you need to be learning French to have an easier time understanding. wedding anniversaries in France

Hear some of the national anthems of the world.

A site for everyone who speaks English - as all the instructions are in English. I expect the puzzles work in most languages of course. There are some fun educational activities, and I have chosen the "make your own puzzles" page. Print out mazes, create cross words to print out (great for a competition, but of course you wouldn't take part in the one you made!?). puzzle-making

Other links

To the weaver's shed