-_- -_- some IMPORTANT things about this weaver's site -_- -_-
Some important things I have to tell you !

This page is going to be a little difficult. Please read as there is important information I want to give you. I don't know all the correct phrases so I just hope I get it right.

a) the links
b) images and text I found on other sites
c) my images (gifs, photos, animations, designs)
d) the guest book and forum
e) e-mail
f) Thanks to :     . . . .   Acknowledgements

a) LINKS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I give all links in good faith. They are sites I visited either for information to help me create this site, or for my own learning or entertainment.
I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE neither for the contents nor for the permanence of these external sites, nor for the opinions given and the styles used to do so, and have no influence neither over these aspects nor any other aspect of the site, nor over the site owner, webmaster or webhost.
I am not responsible for any damage caused by the contents of such sites or their services offered or sent, upon your request or not, to persons or material, nor am I responsible for how you interact with the sites and their contents.
Any query, complaint or indeed praise concerning the contents of the external sites I mention should exclusively be taken to their owner or webmaster responsible; if you feel any violation against laws or good practices etc is taking place on these sites then contact that site's webmaster, owner or the internet surveillance group etc. To find site owners: usually you find them through a "whois" search (type this word into the search engin of your ISP or browser)
Please send me an email to notify dead links or those you feel may have changed.

gifs, images and text I have taken from other sites: I give credit where I have recently copied such material as I did so knowing I would use it on my site. Others I copied longer ago as I liked them but now I can't find out where from, so I cannot credit the source. I copied all such external material thinking that they are free of copyright, where possible I contacted web masters for permission if I used their material unchanged on my site. I credit copyright/intellectual property owners where I have had a response to this effect.
IF YOU ARE THE COPYRIGHT OWNER of an image or text I have placed on my site, and you have not been approached about inclusion of your property on my site, please contact me so that I may apologise, remove your work immediately if requested, or give due credit.

If you want to use any of the free images (see below!) on your own web pages PLEASE PLEASE copy them ONTO YOUR HARD DISK. Click with the right mouse button on the image or background, then "save image to" into the file where you want it. From there you can place it onto your own web pages. Please do not write the web address of my image into your page. Thanks.

my own backgrounds, photos, gifs and animations are made especially for this site. With the exception of the First Page with the shed in the garden, the second page which I refer to as "weaver's shed" and which is my menu page, the images on the "Art Images" page and the photos on the page showing and explaining what to do with what you have woven, you may upload and use gifs, animations and backgrounds on your personal non-commercial site but please indicate where you found the image. I appreciate a word from you about it, with the URL of the site where you want to use my work. I have no banners.
Some of my own graphic work is availabe as an e-card.

my guest book, guest map and forum are open 'message sharing' places. Visitors may write their impressions and observations about the site in the guest book, or leave a quick message with the guest map. The forum might be the ideal place for everybody to give any interesting information, exchange knowledge, ask questions, get answers etc.
Because it is open I ask you to remember that older as well as quite young people will read it, people from Europe and other continents, and of various cultures, religions and opinions - - please be friendly, polite and respectful.
See these message sharing places as being non-moderated, which means I do not interfere (unless the contents is in bad taste, of hate, agression, violence, extremist views, or encourages these. Please do not post such messages).
A special disclaimer here: I usually have access to a PC, and often also to an internet connection, but
may be unable to check the messages in my guest book, guest map and forum every time I go on the internet.
It is even possible that I cannot take any immediate action with regards to the contents of these.
If you see any such infringements (before I do) please send me an e-mail and I will get someone to see to the problem if I cannot do so. I wrote this site to be a family-friendly place !! Thankyou.

my e-mail form is hopefully "spam proofed", but this won't interfere with you sending one from my website.
My email address: "ArtEducateur" and I am with AOL dot COM
My real name is Jutta. To send me an email you need to ... ... ...
click on the "e-mail button", write your text and "send". It has "weaver's shed" in the object line, add other words if you like to be more specific. I will always try to read my mails every day (but this depends on the demands made on my time), and will answer 'easy' things straight away and complicated things at the week-ends when I have more time (or I get someone to answer if I cannot get to a PC).


Thank You - Thank YOU

I have had such a lot of support from webmasters and weavers when I was preparing this site. I wish to thank everybody for their support, advice, permission to use text or images or to include links.

Flinkhand.de ... she has beautiful tablet-woven braids, she's allowed me to use some of her photos. Her site has a lot of information on tablet weaving, things to make with braids (photos!) and other handicraft. She explained about German legislation concerning the 'Impressum'. While we are not yet obliged to write such texts, I have started to include some of these recommendations. The rest will follow. Certain things will need to be mentioned when I place translated contents from my English site into the WWW for German speakers.
Steinmaus.de ... Guido's website is a mine of medieval information, whether you weave or do other craft work; his link is in my list. Thanks for your enthousiastic permission to use your photo even though you did not see my site!!
Victoriansilk.com ... very knowledgeable collector of woven silks. He allowed me to include the Brocklehurst picture on my arts images page.
Nick Gammon ... not only wrote a weaving visualisation program but as a programmer he is very knowledgeable and has advised me on how to make my site easier to navigate. His calculation of the "weight" of my images has somewhat shaken me, I have to find a program to reduce image 'size'. Thank you for your time and trouble, I actually understood what you explained!
Takako ... an inspiring and delightful contact with this weaver, thankyou for your enthousiasm, it really is encouraging. I hope many more people will see your work ! I hope you are feeling better now, dear friend.
Hershman John ... a teacher of more than "just" English language literature. Thankyou for allowing me to include your moving thought-provoking poem about Spider Woman.
Gardisign ... thankyou for your help, advice, patience, explanations, the time you took to check things through, to transfer and upload. Without you the site would have been rather basic, would not have looked or worked as I had imagined it.
Ruthe Stowe ... her site is a must-see for weavers, and she also seems to know quite a bit about website contents presentation. Thanks for your advice!
Vera from 'Vermiro' also has given me a lot of good advice on how to make entering the site easier; there were quite a few aspects I was unaware of. As for the slow loading images, they continue to be my headache despite a compression program (for the photos I meant...).
Vera, I am very surprised and pleased to find so many people come to see my site from yours. Die Welt ist so groß und doch so klein. Danke daß du mich in deinen links hast!

Haude & les TextiliennesJuste un grand merci à Haude, bien souvent un visiteur de votre site arrive sur le mien.

e-mail me by clicking on this shuttle

The information index?

To the weaver's shed?