:=:.:=:.:=:.:=:.:Learn to weave:=:.:=:.:=:.:=:.:





:.:=:.:=:.:=:.:=:.:=:.: Ask the Weaver :.:=:.:=:.:=:.:=:.:=:.:
see how to weave, to learn about weaving
here are some easy lessons for you

lesson ONE
where you learn a bit about weaving, what that means, and some of the special words weavers use. Learn how to prepare a weaving frame or loom for weaving.


lesson TWO
where you will learn about the threads that are on a loom


lesson THREE
where you will learn how to weave and what to look out for


lesson FOUR
shows you some basic weaves


lesson FIVE
here you will see what shed sticks do


lesson SIX
explains how to use a rigid heddle to make the shed


lesson SEVEN
not really a lesson. I explain the names of some of the looms.


to the english-french-german word-list of some of the words the weaver uses


to the weaver's shed